Designed in 1935 by Walter Caldwell and now on the National Register of Historic Places the Historic Grafton School held classes from 1936 through 2005. Built with the assistance of the WPA, the Historic Grafton School was the result of the desire by the Grafton residents to create for the children of Grafton a “First Level” Education which started with a new building to house the higher level classes. More than 200,000 students passed through the doors in the 70 years of being open.
In 2015 the building was purchased after being vacant for 10 years to be turned into Art Studios, Community Theater, Music Venue, and History and Culture Venue.
Postcards from Grafton
More on the History of the School is available through a free podcast from Audible. The series is called “Postcards from Grafton” and the episode “Old Grafton School” goes into further detail about the history and future plans for the school.
“Herbie” Tree Descendent is here and planted!
We will be receiving a clone of the oldest Elm Tree in the United States. “Herbie” is the name given by the children of the town of Yarmouth, Maine for the original tree which dates from 1700’s. More can be learned about Herbie and to receive your own Herbie from the Liberty Tree Society.
Additional Information
Even more about the school can be found at gohistoric.com.
This Just In!
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023:
“Now, leasing Artisan Space!“
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